App distribution

Public distribution 

Play store:

  1. Access Play Store app on your device.
  2. Search for Ironchip in the browser.
  3. Download the app.

Apple store:

  1. Access Apple Store app on your device.
  2. Search for Ironchip in the browser.
  3. Download the app.

Private distribution 

We do have a privete app repository in case this kind of distribution is required

  • MDM: On-demand private distribution

  • Ironchip provided link: Where and how, and private company scoped link.

Customized app distribution 

An personally customized app is offered so that the external appearance matches the company. The logo, company colours etc can be customizable. If this is the type off app you want, get in contact with Ironchip team, so that all the required features are included. App deployment can be in public or private.

Supported devices 

  • From Android 6.0, but signal implementation from Android 8.0.
  • From IOS 10.0.